If you can’t find what you are looking for on EssexConnects, please do contact your nearest CVS.
Are you on it? If you would like us to add, amend or update information about your voluntary or community group, please contact one of the project partners below:
Centre Supporting Voluntary Action, Chelmsford (CVS) | 01245 351888 | info@chelmsfordcvs.org.uk | chelmsfordcvs.org.uk
Community 360 Colchester | 01206 505250 | information@community360.org.uk | community360.org.uk
Community 360 Braintree | 01376 550507 | reception@community360.org.uk | community360.org.uk
Maldon & District CVS | 01621 851891 | admin@maldoncvs.org.uk | maldoncvs.org.uk
Council for Voluntary Service Uttlesford | 01371 878400 | enquiries@cvsu.org.uk | cvsuttlesford.org.uk
Voluntary Action Epping Forest | 01992 564178 | admin@vaef.org.uk | vaef.org.uk
Rainbow Services (Harlow) | 01279 308150 | info@rainbowservices.org.uk | rainbowservices.org.uk
Not your area? Visit essexcvs.org.uk to find your local district CVS.